Monday, September 21, 2009

まいにちの せいかつ


Before I do my routine, I forgot to answer my own question from my last blog entry- くしカツ is the name of the Japanese kabob that I like so much. Below is a pic of one my roommate made a couple nights ago. A very international meal :)

まいあさ ろくじはんに おきます。まいにち しゃわを あびます。しちじじゅうごふんに NDHで あさごはんをたべます。げつようび、すいようべ、きんようべ、の じゅうじよじゅっぷに じゅぎょうがあります (にほんご!)かようべ、もくようべの くじはんに じゅぎゅうがあります。ごじはんごろ NDHで うちで ばんごはんを たべます。まいばん としょかんで べんきょうします(17credit hours:S)。ぼくは ときどきばん こひを のみます。たいていばん じゅういちじごろ ねます。しゅうまつ、DPACで えいがを みます(I like independent films)。あのお、じゃあ また!

So up above is my routine. I probably made a ton of mistakes but more or less: I wake up every morning at 6:30, shower, get breakfast, go to class at 10:40 MWF (Japanese!) and 9:30 TR. I get dinner at NDH around 5:30 and study every evening in the library, thanks to my 17 hour schedule this semester. I sometimes get coffee and usually go to bed around 11:00. On weekends I like to go see movies at DPAC b/c I've always liked independent films. Ok, that's it for now.

1 comment:

  1. I made やきとり which are also Japanese kebabs, though they must be a different kind. やきとり are meat with てりやき sauce. I make them all the time because they require no cleanup. I think I have a photo on my blog
